Year 4 class performs Walliams medley!

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of The World of David Walliams, we set schools a challenge. We dared them to perform their favourite David Walliams stories in 10 minutes or less!

We had some amazing entries, but the winner of this competition was St. Peter’s Ashton Primary School! Year 4 created and performed a medley of their favourite stories from The World of David Walliams. You can watch their video below!

Congratulations, Year 4!

The Great Big World of David Walliams Quiz

Have you spent your precious youth reading David Walliams’ books? Think you are the best Superfan of all the Superfans? Can you name all of the Walliams books where Raj makes an appearance?


Then we have a challenge for you! A GREAT BIG challenge.

Sharpen your pencils and sharpen your wits and prepare for THE GREAT BIG WORLD OF DAVID WALLIAMS QUIZ!


Download and print the quiz and host a quiz at your school!
For an extra challenge, use the questions to make a kahoot and invite fellow schools to play, too!

ANSWERS (for Competitive Colin, Mr. Big, Quiz Masters and teachers):

You can download the answers here, but don’t peek until you’ve given the quiz your best go!